Features reference
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Last updated
This page will give you an overview of tools included in power sequencer and their shortcuts.
Channel Offset
Move selected strip to the nearest open channel above/down
Alt ↑
Move to Open Channel Above
Ctrl Alt ↑
Move to Channel Above and Trim
Alt ↓
Move to Open Channel Below
Ctrl Alt ↓
Move to Channel Below and Trim
Remove space between strips
Concatenates selected strips in a channel, i.e. removes the gap between them. If a single strip is selected, either the next strip in the channel will be concatenated, or all strips in the channel will be concatenated depending on which shortcut is used.
Concatenate and select the next strip in the channel
Shift C
Concatenate all strips in selected channels
Alt C
Concatenate and select the previous strip in the channel towards the right
Alt Shift C
Shift Alt C; Concatenate all strips in channel towards the right
Formats and copies all the markers as timecodes to put in a Youtube video’s description
Copy/cut strips without offset from current time indicator
Copies the selected sequences without frame offset and optionally deletes the selection to give a cut to clipboard effect. This operator overrides the default Blender copy method which includes cursor offset when pasting, which is atypical of copy/paste methods.
Ctrl C
Copy Selected Strips
Ctrl X
Cut Selected Strips
Adds cross fade between selected sequence and the closest sequence to its right
Based on the active strip, finds the closest next sequence of a similar type, moves it so it overlaps the active strip, and adds a gamma cross effect between them. Works with MOVIE, IMAGE and META strips
Adjust the location of the crossfade between 2 strips
Selects the handles of both inputs of a crossfade strip’s input and calls the grab operator. Allows you to quickly change the location of a fade transition between two strips.
Deletes strips without confirmation, and cleans up crossfades nicely
Delete Direct
Alt X
Delete Direct with Transitions
Delete Direct
Delete Direct with Transitions
Deselects all the strips at the left or right of the time cursor, based on the position of the mouse
Alt Q
Deselect all strips to the left of the time cursor
Alt E
Deselect all strips to the right of the time cursor
Deselect the handles of all selected strips and call the Sequence Slide operator
Auto selects the strip under the mouse if nothing is selected, and calls Blender’s Duplicate Move function
Duplicate Move
Shift D
Duplicate Move
Brief Expand selected strips to surrounding cuts
Finds potential gaps surrounding each block of selected sequences and extends the corresponding sequence handle to it
Ctrl E
Expand to Surrounding Cuts
Adds or updates a fade animation for either visual or audio strips
Fade options:
In, Out, In and Out create a fade animation of the given duration from the start of the sequence, to the end of the sequence, or on both sides
From playhead: the fade animation goes from the start of sequences under the playhead to the playhead
To playhead: the fade animation goes from the playhead to the end of sequences under the playhead
By default, the duration of the fade is 1 second
Alt F
Fade Out
Ctrl F
Fade In
Fade In and Out
Removes fade animation from selected sequences
Removes opacity or volume animation on selected sequences and resets the property to a value of 1.0. Works on all types of sequences
Remove gaps, starting from the first frame, with the ability to ignore locked strips
Grab and move sequences. Extends Blender’s built-in grab tool
Grab and move sequences. If you have no strips selected, it automatically finds the strip closest to the mouse and selects it. If you only select one or multiple crossfades, selects the handles on either side of the crossfades before moving sequences, using POWER_SEQUENCER_OT_crossfade_edit
Grab the handles that form the closest cut
Selects and grabs the strip handle or cut closest to the mouse cursor. Hover near a cut and fire this tool to slide it.
Alt Shift G
Grab closest handle or cut
Grabs the sequence’s handle based on the mouse position
Extends the sequence based on the mouse position. If the cursor is to the right of the sequence’s middle, it moves the right handle. If it’s on the left side, it moves the left handle.
Shift G
Grab sequence handles
Imports video, images, and audio from the project folder
Finds and imports all valid video, audio files, and pictures in the blend file’s folder and sub-folders, ignoring folders named BL_proxy.
If you set it in the add-on preferences, it also sets imported sequences to use proxies. See Preferences -> Add-ons -> Blender Power Sequencer -> Proxy
Ctrl Shift I
Import Local Footage
Jump forward or backward in time
Move the time cursor forward or backward, using a duration in seconds.
The equivalent tool in Blender only works with frames, meaning the jump will be different if your project’s framerate is different. This tool fixes that issue.
Shift →
Jump Forward
Shift ←
Jump Backward
Jump to next/previous cut
Jump to the next or the previous cut in the edit. Unlike Blender’s default tool, also works during playback.
Jump to next cut or keyframe
Jump to previous cut or keyframe
Make a hold frame from the active strip
Converts the image under the cursor to a hold frame, to create a pause effect in the video, using the active sequence
Deletes the marker closest to the time cursor
Delete selected markers instantly skipping the default confirmation prompt
Delete Markers Instantly
Snap selected marker to the time cursor
Create one marker at the start on each selected strip, based on its name
Use it to copy markers as timecodes.
Snap selected strips to markers with the same name
Copies all sequences and markers from a SceneStrip’s scene into the active scene. Optionally delete the source scene and the strip
WARNING: Currently the operator doesn’t recreate any animation data, be careful by choosing to delete the scene after the merge
Moves the handles of the selected metastrip so it fits its content
Use it to trim a metastrip quickly
Deletes and trims the strips inside selected meta-strips to the meta strip’s bounds
UnMeta all selected meta strips and trim their content
Toggle mute a sequence as you click on it
Cut or Trim strips quickly with the mouse cursor
Click somewhere in the Sequencer to insert a cut, click and drag to trim With this function you can quickly cut and remove a section of strips while keeping or collapsing the remaining gap. Press Ctrl to snap to cuts.
A video demo is available.
Trim using the mouse cursor
Shift T
Trim in all channels
Alt Shift T
Trim in all channels and remove gaps
Ctrl T
Trim using the mouse cursor
Ctrl Alt T
Trim using the mouse cursor and remove gaps
Ctrl Shift T
Trim in all channels
Ctrl Alt Shift T
Trim in all channels and remove gaps
Trim strip from a start to an end frame instantly
Trims a frame range or a selection from a start to an end frame. If there’s no precise time range, auto trims based on the closest cut
frame_start and frame_end (int) define the frame range to trim
Ctrl Alt RMB
Trim strip, keep gap
Ctrl Alt Shift RMB
Trim strip, remove gap
Opens the Blender project directory in file explorer
Sets the current scene to the scene in the SceneStrip
Ctrl Alt E
Open Strip Scene
Decrease playback speed incrementally down to normal
Playback speed may be set to any of the following speeds:
Normal (1x)
Fast (1.33x)
Faster (1.66x)
Double (2x)
Triple (3x)
Activating this operator will decrease playback speed through each of these steps until minimum speed is reached.
Decrease Playback Speed
Increase playback speed up to triple
Playback speed may be set to any of the following speeds:
Normal (1x)
Fast (1.33x)
Faster (1.66x)
Double (2x)
Triple (3x)
Activating this operator will increase playback speed through each of these steps until maximum speed is reached.
Increase playback speed
Change the playback_speed property using an operator property. Used with keymaps
Ctrl 1
Speed to 1x
Ctrl 2
Speed to 1.33x
Ctrl 3
Speed to 1.66x
Ctrl 4
Speed to 2x
Ctrl 5
Speed to 3x
Toggle preview around the closest cut, based on time cursor
Finds the closest cut to the time cursor and sets the preview to a small range around that frame. If the preview matches the range, resets to the full timeline
Sets the timeline preview range to match the selection
Sets the scene frame start to the earliest frame start of selected sequences and the scene frame end to the last frame of selected sequences. Uses all sequences in the current context if no sequences are selected.
Ctrl Alt P
Preview To Selection
Brief Applies a rendering preset to the project
Sets rendering and encoding settings and an output filename based on a preset.
Available presets:
YouTube: 1080p mp4 video encoded with H264 and AAC for audio, based on YouTube’s recommended settings
Twitter: 720p mp4 video
Alt F12
Apply Youtube Render Preset
Delete selected strips and remove remaining gaps
Saves current file without prompting for confirmation. Overrides Blender default
Convert selected strips into a scene strip
Create a scene from the selected sequences, copying the current scene’s settings, and replace the selection with the newly created scene as a strip
Cycle through scenes
Rename a Scene Strip and its source scene
Brief Selects all strips left or right of the time cursor
Shift Q
Select all strips to the LEFT of the time cursor
Shift E
Select all strips to the right of the time cursor
Select the closest strip under the mouse cursor
Select all strips that are linked by an effect strip
Add/Remove linked strips near mouse pointer to/from selection without the need to previously have clicked/manually selected
Add/Remove Linked to/from Selection
Selects the strips that are currently under the time cursor
Set the timeline’s preview range using the 2 markers closest to the time cursor
Set the timeline start and end frame using the time cursor
Brief Snaps selected strips to the time cursor ignoring locked sequences.
Automatically selects sequences if there is no active selection
Shift S
Snap sequences to cursor
Brief Snap the entire selection to the time cursor.
Automatically selects sequences if there is no active selection. To snap each strip individually, see Snap
Alt S
Snap selection to cursor
Offsets all strips to the right of the time cursor by a given duration, ignoring locked sequences
Removes speed from META, un-groups META
This is the opposite of power_sequencer’s “Add Speed” operator. It seeks out and removes the speed modifier inside a meta and ungroups all the remaining strips within.
Adds a speed effect to the 2x speed, set frame end, wrap both into META
Add 2x speed to strip and set its frame end accordingly. Wraps both the strip and the speed modifier into a META strip.
Alt 2
Speed x2
Alt 3
Speed x3
Alt 4
Speed x4
Splits all strips under cursor including muted strips, but excluding locked strips. Auto selects sequences under the time cursor when you don’t have a selection
Cut All Strips Under Cursor
Swaps the 2 strips between them
Places the first strip in the channel and starting frame (frame_final_start) of the second strip, and places the second strip in the channel and starting frame (frame_final_end) of the first strip. If there is no space for the swap, it does nothing.
Mute or unmute selected sequences
Mute or Unmute Selected Strips
Alt H
Mute or Unmute Selected Strips
Toggle audio waveforms
Toggle drawing of waveforms for selected strips or for all audio strips if no selection is active.
Delete a crossfade strip and moves the handles of the input strips to form a cut again
Trims or extends the handle closest to the time cursor for all selected strips.
If you keep the Shift key down, the edit will ripple through the timeline. Auto selects sequences under the time cursor when you don’t have a selection
Alt K
Smart Snap Right
Alt Shift K
Smart Snap Right With Ripple
Ctrl K
Smart Snap Left
Ctrl Shift K
Smart Snap Left With Ripple
Trim the closest strip under the mouse cursor in or out
Brief Automatically trim to surrounding cuts with some time offset
Finds the two cuts closest to the mouse cursor and trims the footage in between, leaving a little time offset. It’s useful after you removed some bad audio but you need to keep some video around for a transition.
By default, the tool leaves a 0.2 seconds margin on either side of the trim.
Alt Shift LMB
Trim to Surrounding Cuts
Instantly offset selected strips, either using frames or seconds. Allows to nudge the selection quickly, using keyboard shortcuts
Alt Shift ←
Offset the selection to the left.
Alt Shift →
Offset the selection to the right.